Unpacked with Ron Harvey

Harnessing Kindness and Compassion for Transformative Leadership

Jessie Torres Episode 98

What happens when leaders shift their focus from their own ambitions to the needs of those they serve? Join me, Ron Harvey, as I bring you a captivating conversation with Jessie, a peak performance coach who knows the secret behind authentic and heart-centered leadership. Together, we explore the core attributes that shape effective leaders, such as humility and the courage to adapt. Jessie provides compelling insights into overcoming leadership challenges, with a special emphasis on the critical support for women in leadership roles. Authentic leadership, she shows, is about creating a nurturing environment where creativity can truly flourish.

But leadership is not just about professional success; it's about building a life anchored in kindness and understanding. In a personal journey that I share, I reveal how therapy and coaching transformed my life by fostering growth and a deeper connection to human psychology. Unexpected acts of kindness have played a pivotal role, fueling courage and sparking change even in the darkest times. The ability of small gestures to bring hope and healing is a powerful testament to the impact compassion can have on an individual's life.

Balancing the demands of work, family, and personal growth is more achievable than ever in our digital world. I uncover strategies to maintain a balanced mindset, like embracing breath work and meditation to stay grounded amid distractions. By managing time wisely and setting boundaries, leaders can ensure focus on what truly matters. This episode is a call to action for leaders to consider how they can invest their resources for the greater good, creating an "Army of Angels" dedicated to service and transformation. Join us on this journey to harness the transformative power of kindness, compassion, and community in leadership.

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Just Make A Difference: Leading Under Pressure by Ron Harvey

“If you don’t have something to measure your growth, you won’t be self-aware or intentional about your growth.”

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Unpacked Podcast with your host leadership consultant, Ron Harvey of Global Core Strategies and Consulting. Ron's delighted to have you join us as he unpacks and shares his leadership experience, designed to help you in your leadership journey. Ron believes that leadership is the fundamental driver towards making a difference. So now to find out more of what it means to unpack leadership, here's your host, Ron Harvey.

Speaker 2:

Good morning. This is Ron Harvey, the Vice President and the Chief Operating Officer for GlobalCore Strategies and Consulting, a leadership development firm, and we're based in Columbia, south Carolina. We spend all of our time helping leaders be really, really good at what they do to take care of the people that they're responsible for and responsible to. So we spend all our time helping leaders become better at being effective leaders versus subject matter experts. But what we do every single Monday we release a podcast where we invite guests from around the world with all backgrounds, with things that we call Unpacked, with Ron Harvey, and we talk about real issues. So the podcast there are no prescriptive questions. People come on and they're joining and they're okay with no questions, but we talk for real, we let the curtain down and let you see and we talk about real stuff. And I'm excited today because I get to have a guest repeat, and she was phenomenal the first time and she brought a lot of information and I asked her would she come back? And so she obliged and she's here with us again.

Speaker 3:

So I'm going to pause and hand the microphone over to Jessie and let her introduce herself. The microphone is yours. Well, thank you so much, Ron. It's my pleasure to be here again and have this conversation. It's so important, you know, helping leaders thrive. We need those authentic leaders out there right now more than ever. So I'm thrilled to be here and I'm, you know, a peak performance coach and it's kind of like the staple answer, but truly what I really love doing is alchemizing people's pain and turning it into beauty and power. So that's really what I do. Wherever there's limitation, there's a thread back to some sort of conditioning with the unconscious mind. So let's reprogram and let's pull out the weeds and ensure that we're creating amazing leaders out there.

Speaker 2:

So, Jessie, we were talking last time you were with us and we dove into a lot of places and phenomenal bio you know, and Jesse shared her journey to where she's at now and how successful and what she had to go through and challenges. As we look across the landscape today and you think of leaders, there are a lot of challenges right now across the board for leaders. If you're in a leadership role and you've been challenged, how do you overcome some of the challenges and be an effective leader that you don't lose yourself in that process?

Speaker 3:

you overcome some of the challenges and be an effective leader that you don't lose yourself in that process. A really good coach told me years ago it was one of the first times that I was going to be speaking to a large audience and it was about 300 people. So it wasn't huge, but it was 300 people and it was my first time and I was really doing great right up until before, and I realized that this company, this organization, had paid about 30 K to to have us there to speak and I was like, all of a sudden I got in a panic. Oh my God, I got to give $30,000 worth of value and you know they started to go into this like scarcity.

Speaker 3:

So I called my coach and he said three simple words to me and it shifted everything for me and I still have them like right here on my desk and it was focused on them. The minute he said that, it just clicked and I'm like, oh, I'm in me right now. I'm in me wanting to perform, I'm in me wanting to deliver, I'm in me wanting to get them an outcome which you know. Obviously, that's great, but my worry was wrapped around how am I going to give them what they came for? When I focused on them and what they needed and what they were there for, it took me out of the way and I was able to deliver.

Speaker 3:

So, in answer to your question, how do I redirect myself when there's a lot of chaos? Leadership can be challenging. I focus on them. I focus on the people that I'm here to serve. I reconnect to my heart and reconnect to their heart as to what it is they're needing. So I get out of my head of where I'm feeling like this is hard or I'm frustrated, or why don't people blink? It's just like no. Let me come back to my center. What is my goal, what is my outcome and when I think about what they need, creativity shows up resourcefulness and I'm able to navigate the situation.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes. Take the light off of you and focus on what they need from you, versus how you have to look. How do you help people get past? I got to have all the answers.

Speaker 3:

Humility number one and the ability to be able to say that is a great question and I'm going to find out. You know what I mean? Like leaders, go first. So, yes, people look to us for answers and so when there's a question where I don't have an answer, it's just like you know what? That's a really great question. I'm going to dive deep into that and I'll get back to you. And that's the beauty of being a leader is the ability to be able to go first and say I don't know that, but that's a great one, I will figure it out and I'll get back to you is the demonstration of a great leader.

Speaker 2:

I'm a pivot a little bit. You can answer this probably better than I can. Women in leadership. Oftentimes there's still challenges in industries where women voices are not heard as much as they should be, not respected as much as they should be. How do we, as men, do a better job of supporting and advocating to ensure that we do a good job of advocating and ensuring that we don't miss you in the room, that we're not overlooked in the room? What's our role and our function as men in that space?

Speaker 3:

You know, it's the same answer when it comes to relationships.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Presence. When you are present, you can hear the power, because there's beauty in both. I want a masculine energy, I want someone who's going to go after the mission, I want someone who's laser focused. But there's a beauty in the feminine and the ability to initially lead with heart right, initially lead with care, and when you blend both of those you're magical. So for men it's the wherewithal to honor and respect the perspective and be present with the answer. Don't be so quick to brush off. Get back to your heart.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we don't have time for that, we got to get the strategy we got to get the system you know and it's just like yes and right.

Speaker 3:

Again it's like I think about wealth and you know business owners and whatnot, and wealth follows service, right. So the more that we're committed to service, the more that we want to serve our fellow man and woman, the greater the ROI, the greater the comeback, because, again, there's nothing more powerful than the human spirit. And when you touch somebody and when you speak somebody in your marketing or whatever it is you're doing with your organization, your business, it's a relationship game. No matter what right, you have to care right. And when you care about your client or who you serve, it's a whole different ballgame, not only in what you deliver, but in the creativity of what you deliver. That will make you innovative and different than the rest.

Speaker 2:

So you see why. So if you're listening, you're watching and you watch the first episode with her, you see why I say, hey, you got to come back on Now. She's a coach, so she's masterful in her language and her conversation and she spends a lot of time investing. Where did you realize you had to invest in you to become competent and confident in what you deliver? Because there was an investment at some point. Where did that happen in your life, for you to invest in you to be who you are today?

Speaker 3:

You know that's a great question. Initially it came from survival, right? It's just like oh, I got to figure this out. I'm 38 years old. I have three kids. I got married at 18. I'm now getting divorced and I don't freaking know who I am. I don't know who I am. I don't know what my favorite color is. I don't even know how to drive out of my own city at the time. You know this is back in 2003. So MapQuest had just started. I still was using a Thomas guide to get around. You know what I mean. Now I'm aging myself, but the thing is is that in that moment it's just like I got to figure this out.

Speaker 3:

I wanted to understand why my father did what he did, why my mom ignored it, why my husband did what he did and why I allowed it. I wanted to understand how did I get here? And so that created an insatiable hunger to understand, not only myself, but human beings. Why do we tolerate? Why do we get to a breaking point? Why did I have to get to a complete state of apathy where I was wishing somebody would blow the red light and just take me out of this game, cause I didn't see another way out. It's like what is it about us that we're so powerful? We don't realize that we tolerate so much until our soul begins to die? So I wanted to really understand that and through my own, you know therapy, my own coaches, seminars, books, you know, I started to realize, I started to see patterns in human behavior and I started to put myself in places that I would surround myself with coaches or people that were studying personal development and and I loved it, I fell in love with it because I was putting myself through the gamut, right.

Speaker 3:

I was less like okay, you know, if you're going to figure out humans, start with you, right? So everything that I started to do and it actually was a therapist, my therapist I actually looked at her and I said you know, I want to do what you do because you help people. So, but that's a lot of school and that's a lot of time, you know. And she's like well, you should be a coach. Now again this is back now in 2005, I want to say, and I was like soccer coach, like what are you talking about? You?

Speaker 3:

know, it wasn't mainstream like it is now, and so I looked into it and I'm a hands-on kind of person, so some of the courses at the time were online and I wanted to be at presence. So coaches training Institute actually did both they did half online and half on site and so I went with that one and just fell in love with it and from there I just kept putting myself in places where I just I wanted understanding, fell in love with it and from there I just kept putting myself in places where I just I wanted understanding, which got me to Tony Robbins and everywhere else.

Speaker 2:

So wow, you gave me so much to unpack, jessie, so I'm gonna hit over here. Okay, which one do you go with first? You know, as a coach it's not having to answer the question, and so if you're listening and you wanna figure out how to be effective as a leader, what was the thing that made you realize there's more to you than what you've gone through?

Speaker 3:

It was an act of kindness. Now, this is why I'm always talking about. You know, when there's chaos in the world and when they're, you know the news is showing us man's inhumanity to man and all we see is the darkness in the world and we feel completely helpless and, like God, what are we going to do? Our world is, you know, going to crap or ruined. Whatever, I always come back with. You are not helpless. Not one of you is helpless, because your one act of kindness can shift the trajectory of someone's life, like it did mine. The people that were kind to me will never know that whatever little tiny flicker was left in my being was sparked at their act of kindness enough to give me the courage to leave my abusive marriage.

Speaker 3:

At the time I didn't see out Divorce was not an option. Honestly, I was willing that something would happen when he would travel and I would be the widow. And then I had shame and guilt over thinking such a thing, like how horrible of a person am I that I would, you know? But again, I didn't see a way out. If I was a widow, then that would be okay, cause then I wasn't a divorcee, right? So it was like that's how bad it had gotten, and so that's why you have to be mindful of what you put in your surroundings the people you hang out with, the TV shows you watch.

Speaker 2:

You know the chatter the social media you read.

Speaker 3:

Yes, exactly Like you know, it's like I look at my feed and I'm like I don't get all these crazy like things in my feed. Like you know, I'm getting all these like random acts of kindness and whatnot and I'm like I'm giddy. You know what I mean. So I'm like, huh, it's interesting, the algorithms picks up right.

Speaker 3:

But it's so important because those people that were kind to me it was a class I was taking at a local community college and I was at that devastation point but they were kind to me and again, I didn't understand it at the time, I didn't know to call it kindness. I just knew that at that Saturday class I came alive and at home I was dead and it was just enough to give me courage. I'm like I don't know what this feeling is, but if this feeling is available, then life is worth living and that fueled that energy. And they will never know Like I honestly wish I could look them up somewhere. I don't know, I've moved too many times to know where my paperwork is, but I wish I could thank them, you know, because the way they treated me sparked that flicker, enough to give me the courage to do what I needed to do.

Speaker 3:

So that's why I say we are not powerless, because when you go out and you compliment the barista at Starbucks, or when you go out and you compliment the barista at Starbucks, or when you help someone with their groceries, like, you don't know what kind of chaos is going on in their lives, right, these people didn't know that I was willing myself to die. You know they didn't, they just acted and so that is enough. And sometimes we don't get to know, and it doesn't matter. You do it anyway, right. Like Mother Teresa says, when you're kind, people will question you, they'll doubt you, they'll think you know she's like be kind anyway, right. So that's what I think is so powerful that we understand, because that created that journey for me to not only make that decision, but to now figure out, discover research, find out how did I get here?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and we all have the ability to be kind. I love that you say that we all have the ability to be kind. Even if life is not going the way you want it to go at that moment, we have the ability to be kind. How do you make sure that leaders reach back and plant back into environments that need them? What made you begin to sow seeds yourself?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, it was all. We're all about each other. You know what I mean? And so it's like this again this entire earth game is relational, like, no matter what you're doing, no matter what business you're, you're having a relationship with a client, you're having a relationship with your team, you're having a relationship with your family, right? So if we're not here for each other, what the flip? Are we here for Right, not here for each other? What the flip? Are we here for Right? If I had all the riches and all the wealth in the world and it was just me on an island, what would I do? I drink coconut water, and then what you know?

Speaker 3:

what I mean Like, you know you want to share it with someone. You know you want to experience moments of awe, you want to have joy, you want. That's why we do it, Right? So if we're not here for each other, then what the flip? Right? So if we're here for each other, then how can I serve others? How can I help people see their magnificence, their beauty? How can I help them get out of the suffering state that we're conditioned to believe is the only way right?

Speaker 3:

It's like my mom watches the news and she's like oh my God, Jesse, the world is terrible, you know. And I'm like no, mom, it isn't. There's terrible things happening, yes, but the world is still more good than bad. Absolutely Right, we would be literally like Armageddon right now. We're not. So I'm committed to helping show people how that light is still winning, and there's always light in the darkness. We just have to seek it. So, when it comes to leaders, it's like you may think you're not making a difference, but you are.

Speaker 3:

It's like that story of the turtles. You know the story of the turtles. Yes, the little girl, right? I'll just say it for the audience. All these little turtles washed up on the beach and she's picking one turtle up at a time and throwing it back in the water. Picking another one up and throwing it back in the water of time and throwing it back in the water. Picking another one up and throwing it back in the water, and the dad's like honey. Why are you doing that? There's no way you can ever get them all back in the water, so it really doesn't matter.

Speaker 3:

And she goes, but it mattered to that one yes, right, it mattered to that one. That one life, right. And again, for me, my commitment to serve humanity. Those people will never know like who they woke up, right? So what if your act of kindness wakes up the next Martin Luther King, the next Mother Teresa? Right, you don't know.

Speaker 3:

But if we don't act that way, we're stuck in our own pain and our own woes and sadness or hurt. Or you know our unforgiveness Whenever I find someone in depression, or even my kids sometimes, when they're bored or they're just like I'm like go volunteer, yes, go volunteer, go help somebody. Go freaking, give food out of food, shelter yes, go read to a wounded warrior. And I have a mastermind called Army of Angels. And the whole concept of Army of Angels is to help leaders. Right, so it's a me, we, they. So me, first of all, is the individual, the leader.

Speaker 3:

What do you need? Where in your pie of life are you not at a 10? Let's help you get there, let's help you get sovereign, let's help you get strong. Then the we part is we come together as a group and we look at where we want to put our attention, what initiatives are important to us. For some it might be domestic violence, for some it might be human trafficking, for others it might be alcoholism. Whatever we're going to look at where it is, it's a boots on ground. It's not just writing a check to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. At this point we don't even know if those kids get the actual clothing.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

So boots on ground, lehaina fires, let's send 10 people to go sweep the grounds when do we want? And then the they part is we go, do it right. So that's the aspect of Army of Angels. It's for leaders that have checked the boxes on their success. They've got a level of success, they're excited, they're thrilled, they're doing good. Their kid's college fund is paid for, they got the car, they got the boat and they and they're like what else? Right To your point it's like oh okay, let's contribute, because there's nothing greater than that contributing heart that can open up in service of others.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that you're sharing that, because when you have everything that you can have known to mankind, that we call you've arrived, and you have the lifestyle, then what Exactly? Yeah, then what? So what's the website I mean? So I, love that.

Speaker 3:

You said that Can you promote the website for Army of Angels? It's ourarmyofangelscom.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, awesome, thank you. And so go out, look up the website. I mean because if you've gotten to the place, how do you get back? You know, at the end of the day, if all of us close our eyes today, our stuff is going somewhere. You get to make some decisions today while you can Like. Where do you want to invest your time? Where do you spend your resources? You know your time treasures are talent. Where are you spending those at? So I'm glad that you're sharing that.

Speaker 3:

How do you help people win when they're struggling? Well, an act of kindness doesn't cost anything. I'm just saying right. And what people forget is that the awakened person spirit of the human does the impossible. It does the unmentionable. It has a stay-at-home mom. Lift a Volkswagen up a child, right. She's just like, oh my God, that child right. And she lifts a car to save the child and everyone. You just, freaking, lifted a car. She's like I did. How's that child? You know what I mean. It's like that open-heartedness, human spirit.

Speaker 3:

So if you are are struggling again, go volunteer, go help somebody, go call somebody that you know could use your support, just your voice. Right, if you're a leader, you know how to do things to get yourself out of a funk, or you wouldn't be a leader. Like you know, there's certain practices. You have to change your physiology, you have to change your focus, you have to change what you're saying. You know, you understand that. So go help somebody, go just call somebody and just tell them you love them. Just that alone will open your heart to where you'll want. You'll get creative, like I know I could do blank. It's literally. It's like providence, divine intervention, props in right, because you're in what I call coherence, the heart and mind communication. It opens up a valve to universal intelligence.

Speaker 3:

Right Now, all of a sudden, you get ideas you didn't know you had. You have an aha moment. I'm like why didn't I see this? I could totally do this right, because at this day and age, there's no reason to be without money. Honestly, you're seeing 23-year-olds making bank by doing different things on apps and whatnot. I don't even know what they do on apps and social media and whatever. They just put stuff out there and people are paying them. So if you feel like you're in a funk, still pick up the phone, go talk to somebody, call somebody. It doesn't cost money to be kind, to share the wealth of knowledge, to be able to contribute to somebody else, and when you do that and you feel their gratitude and you feel them connect that you made a difference in their life, it opens up your heart and that openness of your heart, that human spirit coming alive, opens up a channel where you might have a solution to whatever it is you're in a funk about. That wasn't there before.

Speaker 2:

Yes, what are some things that you do every day that matter to you to keep you going?

Speaker 3:

Well, there's multiple things that go with that. I think one of the main things I'm very much about my environment. So, first of all, breath work for me connects me to my heart. It connects me to my purpose. So I do some breath work in the morning and meditation. It's always about let's just get Jesse out of the way, show me, guide me, you know, open me up to whatever it is that's needed. So it reconnects me to the focus on them, right, it reconnects, comes back.

Speaker 3:

And when I do that, what's great about that is it takes it out of me, right, and it takes it out of what I need to do, who I am, what I need to get right. It's not about getting the more I give, the more I get. And then my environment. So, my environment and it's so funny because my mom is living with me at the moment and you know she's like well, jesse, there's not a wall, wall space left in the house, you know. And I'm like, yes, and I do it because I want to be embraced by my environment. I literally have right here a little picture of St Joan of Arc.

Speaker 3:

Yes, no, I honor and respect that I have Archangel Michael sitting right here, my protector. You know, up above me I have a picture of a tidal wave and a storm and Christ in the middle with his hand out saying focus on me, not the storm. I have all this abundance over there. I have a warrior goddess over there, I mean, and you see back here I have my angels, my family. So for me it matters that my environment supports keeping my mindset in check, because I'm human, right, I can be the best coach ever and I'm still human, having a human experience.

Speaker 3:

And if my daughter's upset or heartbroken, it's going to affect me. Right to support my purpose and why I'm here, the more it keeps me in that alignment so that I don't get pulled, you know, into all these directions of like, okay, so I need to make this much this month, and you know, and my mom, I got to change her medical care and my daughter, you know, it's all that stuff. So in order to keep me aligned, I have to do what I have to do in my own essence first and then in in my environment so that I can remember why I'm here and why I'm doing what I'm doing. Otherwise, life can get the better of you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, what do you tell a new leader that's chasing their career but also have a family? How do they do that so they don't lose either? Because it can be a challenge when you're trying to climb the corporate ladder of success or whatever the ladder at, or whether it's corporate or not. You want to be successful in business, but you also don't want it to be at the sacrifice of your family or your loved ones or your personal health.

Speaker 3:

I think communication is super important and boundaries to be able to say, from this hour to this hour, you know, no interruptions. You know what I mean. Like I think part of being a leader is that we can get like popcorn. You know, like this is back when I worked in corporate and I had a proposal that I needed bids on. I worked as an insurance broker. Anyway, I needed the insurance company to send me back a bid. I put the whole thing, I typed the email, I got all the things that they needed and they needed those bids back before the end of the day. And I got back to work and I was busy and I was like I haven't received anything from the carriers, like what the flip is going on and I'm just like ready to pick up the phone and call them. And at the end of the day I started to shut things down and because I got interrupted by a phone call or another email that popped in front of my email, I never hit send Right.

Speaker 3:

So it's like we can get so distracted. You know if I could say, from this time to this time, no interruptions, you know I'm going to be blank and then commit to that. And then, from this hour to this hour, is my dinner time with my family. It's so important. What we don't realize is that we think we don't have the time. But let me tell you something If you're pushing beyond and you're canceling your dinner appointment with your wife or you're you're not going to the soccer game, or you are saying, yeah, I'm going to miss it again. What you don't realize, the energetics of disappointment from your family, of your wife or your spouse, looking at you going. You missed it, it was so and you know, whatever like, all of that energy is creating more density in your ability to lead, because now you have guilt, now you have shame, now you have frustration, now you're like you know I shouldn't do that. Okay, friday, we'll go out.

Speaker 3:

Friday night, it'll be date night, right, but it's like you can't make up for every little nuance. You know what I mean. It's like my daughter. When I got divorced she was 15 and she told her dad because he just up and left the state. And she's like you don't know my isms, dad. You don't know my isms. My Shana isms right the everyday. Like I know that when my daughter is home there's music. She's singing, she's always singing.

Speaker 3:

You know that's a nuance, right. That you know because you're here, you're present, right? So we think I don't have time for that. I've got to get this thing, don't? You see? I'm doing it for you, right? And they're slipping away.

Speaker 3:

And those moments you can't get back when you actually take the time and you say you know what from I don't know whatever, six to eight is family time. You still have from eight to 10 to do whatever. You know what I mean. And that six to eight or whatever is your time to be present. Not, I'm here physically, but my mind is on the million things I got to do, because kids and you know, we intuitively pick up. We intuitively pick up when you're not there.

Speaker 3:

You can be physically there, but if you're not present and you're missing out on those moments, you will get way more mileage out of that smile on your spouse's face, out of seeing the nuances of your children. So when you do go back to your work, you are lit up, your energy's on fire, because you know, shoot, maybe you squeeze in a quickie with your wife. You know what I mean. Like now, let me tell you, if your energy's not, you know going after it. You know what I mean. So it's the misconception to believe that we don't have time to pay attention to that, because when you're getting a divorce, you know papers handed to you, your world's blowing up all the time you spent trying to build this thing. Now you have this thing, but how warm is it going to keep you at night? Yes, right, when your spouse is no longer there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you're pretty open and transparent and shared Like that's real. How do you invest that time? And you're coming from as a place of being proactive versus reactive, and positive and encouraging, because oftentimes when you get into those roles, you try to be everything to everybody all the time and I think you got to have boundaries. You know, if you're supposed to do those two hours, give it your undivided attention for two hours, because I've never been in a relationship that I wanted people's divided attention Never, like even on this podcast. I shut off everything that I need to shut off. So I'm totally present with the person that gave up their time to be with us so we can have a good time and do something productive. There are things that'll be waiting once we're finished, but right now you're on and I'm here and we're doing what we're supposed to be doing together for the people that are listening. So, leaders, you do have time. It's just what are your priorities? We all do it. 168 in a week. Yes, we all got 24 hours.

Speaker 2:

So, as we begin to summarize what we talked about today, there are five generations in the workplace. There's all kinds of distractions across our entire society, regardless of what it is and where people may stand. How do we stay grounded as leaders and we don't have to agree with everything, but how do we take care of our workforce or take care of the people that are counting on us to do it right, regardless of what's on the news? Regardless of what's on the news, regardless of what's on social media, regardless of what's happening in the community and the people think the world is bad, and it isn't. There's some bad things happening. How do we stay grounded? How do we stay positive, encouraging, uplifting and not get caught up in the madness that's happening all around us?

Speaker 3:

Such a great question. Like I said earlier, you have to have a gatekeeper at the front and center of your mind. What do you allow in, right? So, as a leader, I'm going to consistently tell people to focus on the important things. I would tell my mom go Google random acts of kindness, grab some tissue and just watch, watch your heart open up, because that is still happening as well.

Speaker 3:

And the other part, when it comes to the chaos, and you know, it's like again, we're all here in an energetic field. Each one of us has a field of energy. That it's the energy that emits from the rhythm of our heart. Right, it's a frequency that's being emitted. So we are all part of it. We're all connected. So, if you think about that, and my field affects yours, right. If we're in the same room, what's measurable by science is three to four feet Right. So, same room, what's measurable by science is three to four feet right. So if we're sitting next to each other and I am furious about something, you're going to feel it. The back of your neck, the hair on the back of your neck is going to stand up, something's going to give, and it's because we're affecting each other. So, if we kind of see from that perspective. We know there's a lot of density, we know there's a lot of stuff that's being shared with us. You know what I mean. But are you committed to focusing on what's wrong or are you going to be committed to focus on what's right, because both are available right? So I would get them redirected back to purpose.

Speaker 3:

Why are we here? Why do you show up every day? We got this. You know what? There's always been some tragedy. Back in the fifties we were building bomb shelters. You know, there's always something, and this is what I tell my kids too.

Speaker 3:

My son can go down the rabbit hole of politics. He's like mom, have you read that? And I'm like, look honey, last time I checked, I am not running for president. So I keep apprised of what's happening. But every time I see even human trafficking, which my daughter is very passionate about, I am too, and we see these tragic things that are going on in the world. Rather than pull me into the density of the darkness, I allow it to waken up my deeper conviction to serve. How can I be light in a world that has darkness? It's not that darkness is winning, but there are things. So how can I be the light. So whenever I see chaos or whatever, I'm always looking for how I can be the light in those dark moments, because each and every one of us has the opportunity to do so.

Speaker 3:

So be mindful what you feed yourself. What is going on in here? What are you feeding? What books are you reading?

Speaker 3:

I don't even watch the news. I have a couple of friends who keep me apprised. I'm like what's going on? Do I need to buy food? What's going on? And they let me know, right, but I didn't even go down that rabbit hole because, again, I want to be smart and prepared. But I also know what I'm here to do. And I'm here to bring light because I know that there's darkness out there. So it's. Both are available.

Speaker 3:

You stay focused here. Stay focused on your purpose. Why are you here? Know that you matter, right, you matter. And be mindful of what you allow in there. You wouldn't let somebody in with muddy shoes to your white carpet. Why would you let other people's perspectives or other people's opinions steal your dream? Right?

Speaker 3:

And I'll close with Mr Rogers, again aging myself.

Speaker 3:

You know he says when 9-11 hit and parents were watching those planes hit the buildings on repeat over and over and over again, watching that on the news, the children were scared and so he gets down on their level like he does and he says whenever there is chaos, there is always helpers.

Speaker 3:

Look for the helpers. And if we can take that perspective and know that, yes, there's stuff happening, but there are people committed, if you think about that perspective and know that, yes, there's stuff happening but there are people committed, if you think about that particular example, there's firefighters running into the building. Right there is like, oh my God, you know the heroes that are going there to save lives, like that's happening at the same time that bombs are exploding. It's the magnificence of life, it's the polarity, it's the dark and the light, and there's always beauty to be found, but we have to seek it. So, as a leader, I would guide my team to redirect, to focus, I would stay inspired, make sure, like you said, my rituals, my habits, to keep me inspired and not get pulled in, because it's seductive.

Speaker 1:

Drama is seductive right, people want to watch Jerry.

Speaker 3:

Springerer versus. You know some random kindness. You know they get the higher ratings. Yes, you know what I mean which is unfortunate. So you know when you feel seduced into that shift, it there's always something beautiful. Go out in ground, actually physically ground, put your feet on the ground, feel the. The earth is there for us, listen to the birds, be present, notice, have moments of awe. They're always available. They always are. But we could either focus on what's wrong or what's right.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, I love it that you talk about being grounded and being able to choose and you do have the ability to choose what you allow in and what you don't allow in and you talk about leading with the heart. You know, becoming in contact and who you are and what matters to you. I love that. I've never used what Mr Rogers said, but I will now. You know, going forward is that in chaos, there are always helpers Always and also focus on the helpers, and I think for leaders, that's so important because you're absolutely right. So, leaders, if you're in a leadership role, I love what Jesse's saying. I hope that you listen to this, you take notes and you walk away from what was her recipe, because we're counting on you. Now more than ever. We're asking all leaders to step up and do their part.

Speaker 2:

So, jesse, what would you leave with the audience? You've shared a lot of great stuff. Is there anything coming to mind that you want to leave with? Do you have a book that you're coming out or is there a program that you're running? What would you leave the audience with where they can stay in touch with you, they can support what you're doing? I think you're phenomenal at the work that you're doing and hopefully we'll get to work together one day in person, but what would you share with the audience?

Speaker 3:

Well, first of all, you can get a hold of me at IamFierceGracecom and there you can kind of select if there's a way that you want to work with me, talk with me or connect with me, whether it's leadership or healing trauma. When you were talking about the macro of like the earth and what's happening and all that chaos and that we can volunteer and all that, make sure that you also bring it into the micro, right. Like you said, why does devastation have to happen before we volunteer or take action? Think about that from the microcosm of the you, the individual as a leader, you. Why do you have to wait until you get the cancer diagnosis before you take care of you, right? Why do you have to wait until your autoimmune is so jacked from the cortisol levels, right? That then it's a wake up call and now you start to eat better, you start to take care of yourself and you prioritize sleep, you know. You prioritize family, you prioritize, you know, moments of joy. So I would say, don't forget.

Speaker 3:

The world of tomorrow is going to be consumed by the leaders that are the most authentic, the most pure, the most that want to serve their fellow man. That's what we need and we're calling you out. We're calling you out, we want you to step up because we are surrounded by poor leadership and we need you. And if you're going to be out there in the most authentic, beautiful way, then you've got to take care of you. You've got to take care of your vessel and know that you matter more than you believe. We need you. Right? And yes, I am in the process of writing a book. Hope to get it out before the end of the year. So, yeah, keep in touch with me. I am fiercegracecom and I'm happy to support in any way that I can.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm going to put on a notice here. So when that book comes out hopefully you know you still have my email address Say, ron, the book is out, so I can support you For sure. So you know I want to invest in it. So you don't even have to send it to me for free, just let me know when it's out so I can purchase it and tell me where I can purchase it at.

Speaker 2:

Of why you shouldn't do something, all you need is one reason why you should. And as I'm listening to you, I mean there are 10,000 reasons why you could have not shown up that you could have just said I'm done, life is too heavy, too much. You only need that one person to give you one reason for you to still be sitting here doing what you're doing today, at the level that you're doing that, and that one little spark will keep that fire burning. So if you're struggling and you can't find, just find one reason and go for it, and then more stuff will show up. So I'm just like man that is actually really great when she said how much stuff is going to be thrown at us. You just need one reason to show back up.

Speaker 3:

That's right and we need you to. We need you to?

Speaker 2:

Are you on LinkedIn as well, I mean, so people can follow you Can?

Speaker 3:

they find you on LinkedIn. They sure can. It's always like this Jesse Torres, my name.

Speaker 2:

Yes, appreciate it. Well, thank you so much, jesse. Again, always great If there's anything that we can do to support you and what you're doing as you release your book, or as you're traveling or you're training, or if you're interested in her coming on your podcast. She's phenomenal. Reach out to her. We believe in building business, but we also believe in building relationships. So if you're not just in it for you to win, you're not in it for you just to make as much money as you can while other people are struggling, like, be authentic to your community. So thank you for joining and supporting this podcast and, for those who are watching or listening, please reach out to her. If you need access and you can't find her, reach out to me and I you're in touch with her. This is for all of us to do well together and that's really what we're designed for. So, for today, thank y'all for joining Unpacked with Ron Harvey.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, jesse, for joining us and until next time we're going to sign off and everyone, you have a great day. Well, we hope you enjoyed this edition of Unpacked podcast with leadership consultant Ron Harvey. Remember to join us every Monday as Ron unpacks sound advice. Remember to join us every Monday as Ron unpacks sound advice, providing real answers for real leadership challenges. Until next time, remember to add value and make a difference, where you are, for the people you serve, because people always matter.

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